Music at Trinity
Fostering excellence in church organ and choral music
Director of Music
Dominic Fitzgerald
BMus, MMusSt, GradDipEd(Sec)
John Rotar,
The Trinity Organ
Click icon for more information. There is very detailed history by Geoffrey Cox with photographs by Trevor Bunning at http://www.ohta.org.au/organs/organs/FortValleyAng.html

VACANCY: Choristers (paid and volunteer)
Recruitment is ongoing. Contact the Director of Music: music@trinityvalley.org.au
The Choir
Holy Trinity Church has always fostered excellence in the use of traditional organ and choral music in its worship.
The choir sings at the 9:30 am Mass each Sunday and on the evening of the third Sunday of the month presents a Choral Evensong. The choir provides special music for the major festivals – during Passiontide, the Easter Triduum (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Eve Vigil), Trinity Sunday, Advent Sunday and Christmas Midnight services. Its traditional choral repertoire extends from plainsong to contemporary with some emphasis on music of the Renaissance and Baroque periods.
Tuesdays 6:45 pm to 9:00 pm
Before the Sunday Mass 8:15 am to 9:15 am
Before the monthly Evensong.
New singers are always welcome to audition. Some music sight-reading ability is desirable but not essential. Whilst the current membership is mostly adult, boys and girls from age eight are welcome, and are offered access to a separate junior musicianship program. Anyone interested in joining the choir should contact the Director of Music at music@trinityvalley.org.au